Dig a Big Hole!: Lessons for Agel Team Members from Randy Gage's Risky is the New Safe

As I read through Randy Gage’s Risky is the New Safe for a second time, the same two insights cause me to stop and wonder.

While every page in the book is laced with ideas that will stretch your mind and get you thinking, these two have made me pause and reflect on how it applies to our Agel business.

The first is Dr. Ken Dychtwald’s analogy of how companies have reacted to the age wave caused by the millions of Baby Boomers. He pictures this as a giant elephant migrating across the decades, with companies out there wanting to catch the elephant, but instead shooting arrows in its behind while running after it. Dr. Dychtwald says that what they really need to do is get in front of the elephant and dig a big hole.

The second insight, in the chapter on Harnessing the Ego for Success, Randy shares a passage from Dan Burrus’ book, Flash Foresight. Once again it relates to the Baby Boomer generation - how they have impacted economies and the way companies have tried to take advantage of the unique opportunities this generation has presented. Burrus relates how with every demand that the Baby Boomer’s have generated, the supply for that demand has almost always fallen short. Whether it was diapers or places in schools and universities, the business world has almost always been unprepared to meet the demand that was for all intents, quite predictable. The fascinating part is that today they are still not prepared. Our hospitals, aged care homes and funeral homes, despite having years to prepare, are realistically not ready to look after the millions of Boomers that will require their services.

What if we took these two insights and related them to our Agel business? How do they affect us, and what can we do to meet those demands? And are we truly in a position to take advantage of the coming wave?

Let’s keep in mind...we need have the hole in front of the approaching elephant in order to catch it...and we need to make sure that supply meets a predictable demand. How do us our Agel business stack up?

Millions of people are now looking to make lifestyle changes, but don’t have the time and money to do so. Agel meets that demand.

Millions of people are suffering financially and need a solution. Agel meets that demand.

Ready to retire employees want to stop working but are financially unprepared. They need a solution. Agel meets that demand.

Millions of people are suffering from poor health due to over-eating, poor nutrition and lack of exercise. Agel meets that demand.

Millions of people are income rich but time poor and desperate for a solution. Agel meets that demand.

Millions of children are not getting the nutrition their growing bodies need. Agel meets that demand.

Millions of children and adults are encountering problems with their vision as they spend all day focused on PC screens and small graphics on their phone. In years to come, they will need to prevent their eyesight from further deterioration. Agel meets that demand.

The Battle of the Bulge continues, and people are desperate to find a real solution to their weight issues. Agel meets that demand.

As businesses downsize, the unemployment lines grow longer. Many are looking for better financial security and a chance to be their own boss. Agel meets that demand.

A new generation of employees are favouring lifestyle and purpose over the company car and parking spot. Agel meets that demand.

The Baby Boomer generation wants to feel young, look young and maintain their health. They want to be at their best during their retirement years. Agel meets that demand.

Can you see it?

Your business with Agel is perfectly positioned to take advantage of the huge demands that are not only present today but coming over the next 5-20 years and beyond. Not only do our products and business opportunity place our ‘hole’ in front of the coming elephant, but our profession, our company, is ready and waiting to meet the demands of the millions of people who want and need what we have to offer.

But it won’t just happen for you if you’re not prepared for it. You have dig the hole first. Get out there and prospect. Share the products. Get your tools in front of people. Do a Cash Flow Class or coffee shop meeting this week. Get out there and dig your hole now...the elephant is coming.

Faouzi Daghistani
Agel Director
Presidents Club Member
Melbourne, Australia