Risky Is the New Safe!

Risky Is the New Safe, the newest book from our very own Randy Gage is about to be published, and it’s going to be an instant classic!  It has huge buzz and strong advance reviews from everyone from Harv Eker to Brian Tracy, Bob Burg and Larry Winget.  Even better, it will serve as a great credibility piece for you to show the viability of our business.

In this powerful book Randy lays out his bold vision for what it will take to prosper in the new economy.  He reveals the tumultuous changes taking place in business, technology and the economy – and the extraordinary challenges they are creating.  More importantly, how you turn those challenges into lucrative opportunities. 
You’ll discover how to think differently and develop the same mindset the world’s highest level achievers harness for success.  Get all the details and order your copy here: