Leadership in Agel - How Priviliged We Truely Are!

Dear Agel Champions,

I can’t begin to share with you the excitement and inspiration I personally got out of last weekend’s Go Diamond event at Newport Beach. I think I may have said this a hundred times now, but this was simply the most defining A-Team event we have had in the last three years. If you were at the event, or watched on the webcast, I know you totally agree with me.

But I did come away from the event with a gut feeling that there’s something many team members present may have not picked up on. And it’s not only team members at the event that may have missed it, but also the thousands and thousands of Agel team members around the world who are out there changing lives.

And I challenge you to think about this: Is there ANY company in the profession today that has anywhere near the levels of field leadership that we do at Agel?

Just think about that.

Think for a moment, about the excitement and enthusiasm of Tony and Sarah Zolecki. The wisdom of Shai and Yaffa Samuel. The experience and insider knowledge of David and Ann Feinstein, Ata Mamadov, Raymond Tay, Phil and Kimberly Townsend, Gary Hasson and Niti Sawangsap.

The professionalism of Tim Berry and Julie Mirr, David and Rhonda Rand, Kobi and Liel Avisar.

Add the new leadership coming through. Leaders such as Billy Looper, Alberto Zirlinger, Juan Carlos Garduno and his brother Rodrigo. Think of Wes Anderson, Nattida Puranaputra and Chad Chong. What about Jamie Lokier, Sarah Eshkanazi and Jamie Loh.

I’ve just mentioned a handful, but don’t those names alone give you goosebumps? Can you see what we truly have here?

Maybe the following story will make things clearer..

Around twelve years ago, an amazing Network Marketer in Queensland named Bernard Graf introduced a couple in his company to an industry trainer that he felt they would benefit from.

At first, they were hesitant. But they finally decided to use the material in Randy Gage’s “How to Earn at Least $100,000 a Year in Network Marketing” to the test. Within months, they were the number 2 income earners in the whole company worldwide.

Years later, I asked an up and coming star in my company how he had risen through the ranks so quickly. He led me to another well known industry trainer named Michael Clouse. I didn’t follow up with his recommendation at that point in time.

Several weeks ago, as fate would have it, I heard an audio training where a leader in the company attributed all his knowledge of the industry to, ta da!; Michael Clouse. So obviously, I figured, this Clouse guy must have something special to teach. I ended up buying a couple of his audio series to see what it was that got him so many recommendations.

My friends, you want to talk about going full circle!

I listened to his training and realized I’d heard much of it before. From somebody else. Someone I’ve heard a lot more from in the last few years. Then finally it clicked. Michael Clouse began to share how he started on his journey and who it was that set him straight. Who kick-started him on his quest from being a distributor to a worldwide trainer to the leaders in the industry.

“So here I am thinking that I really knew how this business works,” Michael explained. “Little did I realize there was much more to it than what I was doing. And I sat down next to a man at an event who forever changed my view on how the business is built and how it really works. That man looked at me and confidently said “you just don’t get it!” And he was right. That’s when I began to really find out what worked and what didn’t. Because of that one man, I am here today doing what I do.”

That man, my friends, was our own Randy Gage.

Just savour that thought for a moment.

When Randy declares from the stage “I’ll stack our field leadership up against the field leadership of any company out there”, then I assure you, he knows.

Today we open our arms to a new wave of leaders that will take us to the next level. Team members like you who will embrace the amazing vision that our leaders are constantly sharing. Yes, they can see further...because they stand on the shoulders of giants.

Leadership in Agel – how privileged we truly are.

Faouzi Daghistani
Presidents Club Member
Premier Club Member